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About Us

Bill Boules is a highly trained, credentialed and certified vision rehabilitation specialist.  He has worked serving people who are blind or visually impaired for over twenty-two years.  He holds masters degrees in vision rehabilitation therapy, orientation and mobility and blindness and low-vision from Western Michigan University.  Additionally, he holds graduate certificates in gerontology and disability studies from the University of Maine.  Bill is the first in the world to be certified in all four core areas of vision rehabilitation.  


Diagnosed at a very early age with retinitis pigmentosa (an eye disease that causes night blindness, tunnel vision and often leads to total blindness), Bill Boules has been through every type of program that provides services to people who are blind.  At age five, Bill was taught to read braille while attending public school at the New York City Board of Education.  The introduction of braille was in anticipation of further vision loss.  Braille has given Bill the tools needed to live a highly successful and productive life.  


Bill has used assistive technology throughout his life to gain access to information that allows him to communicate and provide world class service to people in the field of vision.  Bill has worked tirelessly promoting the belief of the abilities of people who are blind.  His audience includes service providers, families, employers and individuals seeking services in an effort to become gainfully employed.


Bill produces The Field of Vision; featuring the A T Junkie Show.  It is a valuable resource that offers our community the ability to hear about real issues affecting people who are blind or visually impaired.  Bill Boules believes that through exploration, education and empowerment, our community can learn to navigate a rehabilitation system that is designed to support, but continues to fail.  Anyone can subscribe for free and listen to the podcast.  It is also important that individuals contribute by sharing, posting and communicating about the podcast on social media.  


Looking toward the future, Bill believes that with education and advocacy, mainstream technology companies will build products incorporating universal design.  This is already happening with amazing products produced by companies such as Apple, Microsoft and Google.  New companies such as Aira are changing the way people who are blind work through their daily lives.  Education, exploration and empowerment directly contribute to redefining freedom.


Bill Boules is the first in the world to hold all four certifications in Vision Rehabilitation through the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals (ACVREP).  Bill is committed to the profession and believes in the power of education and experience.  His certifcations include Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS), Certified Low-Vision Therapist (CLVT), Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (CVRT) and the brand new Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist (CATIS).

Subscribe to The Field of Vision featuring The A T Junkie Show for free

Not subscribed to our podcast?  Fix that.  One of the things our team likes best is reading feedback from listeners like you.  This is important as it helps us make the necessary changes to provide the best training we can.  To further your enjoyment of learning about assistive technology, consider subscribing to our podcast.  We try to add some fun to the podcast, as we believe that it is great to learn, but it should not be a chore.


If you have any questions or comments, please use the form on this page to send us an email.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Serving people who are Blind or Visually Impaired Across the Globe

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